Thursday, August 17, 2006

...-+*~*+-... SaD sToRies. If YoU nEveR teLL "hOw mUcH yOu lOve tHem"...-+*~*+-...

There is a story of a woman.

Who always kept her feelings towards her friend.

Until the day he got married.

she decided to tell him the truth.

And he felt that it's a good joke for his wedding.

There is a story of a man.

Who has never told his wife how much he loves her.

Until the day she passed away Until now,

he keeps sending flowers to her grave everyday.

With thousand kisses on the card saying "I love you"

Would she be able to know?

Yet, there is a story of a girl.

Who always needed a warm hug from her daddy.

But she was too shy to ask for Until the day,

he can never hug her any more.

A lot of stories happen everyday.

You could know what had happened yesterday.

How can you be sure what will happen tomorrow?

Think of something you never say.

Are you waiting until the day? ...........To say " I LOVE YOU "

Do you tell them that you love them ? Don't be shy to say " I love you"

Cute Sayclub Animation From

Falling Images, MySpace Codes, MySpace Layouts, MySpace Glitter Graphics from